Adoption: A thank you letter to the other set of Parents I will never have the chance to know. 

Adoption, Adoptive, Adult, Biological, Blessed, Blessing, Christmas, Letter, Parents, Thank you

As I’m laying here in bed excited for Christmas, and thinking about how blessed I have been this past year, I can’t help but wonder, what would my life have been if I wasn’t adopted? 

Dear Biological Parents (I’m not sure what else to call you), 

I do not know you but I owe you for the life you have given me. I don’t know your reasons for putting me up for adoption, but I can only imagine that you loved me tremendously because you gave your daughter up to give her a better life instead of taking the easier route and getting an abortion. 

I know you loved me because you left me at a police station to be found because you knew the police would take me to the orphanage to get help and taken care of. 

I cannot thank you enough for making that decision that forever changed my life. At 8 months old when I met my Adoptive parents I had no clue how much my life would change. I had no clue what was going on. You didn’t know what family I was going to end up with either and I know that must have been scary. 

Well- I’m here today sitting in my nice bed, have a roof over my head, and belong to probably the best family that I could have ever asked for. They have raised me with strong values and beliefs. They have taught me right from wrong. They have given me and will continue to give me unconditional love. 

You know, you didn’t just change my life- you changed my parents life as well by giving them the chance to adopt a daughter. They struggled for years with inferility and when you left me at the police station to be found, that was the moment that you also changed their lives. That was the moment that I came into the picture of my parents lives. You changed both my parents and my life for the better, and I can never repay you for that. 

I wonder often things like how much I look like you, what name you gave me, or if I have mannerisms that resemble you. As I’m getting married and thinking about having a family, I also wonder about if my children will resemble you. 

I also wonder if I have any biological siblings and when my actual birthday is. I sometimes think about what you are doing right now, and how old you are. I want you to know that I have taken an internship with an Adoption Agency and want to help other families get what I have been given. 

I often pray for you at night and thank you for the life you have allowed me to have. I wish there was a way to let you know that I am doing great and am becoming someone who you could be proud of. 

Lastly, I want you to know that I don’t take what you did for granted. I am very grateful for the sacrifice you made for me. I would never have the life I have now if I had not been adopted. Not only was I Adopted, but I was adopted into the best family I could have ever imagined. 

Thank you for being so selfless and loving when I had no clue what was going on. I never knew who you were and will never know, but you knew who I was and held me in your arms. You gave birth to me, wrapped me in a blanket, put me in a basket and set me on the stairs of a police station to give me a life you knew you couldn’t. Thank you for that. Thank you. 


A very grateful girl who has been very blessed.  

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